Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A glimpse beyond?

There must be some peace or tranquility in/after death. My grandfathers last words, after a day in speechless coma, were "Hari Om". Just randomly utter the second before his last relatively peaceful breath, considering he was riddled with cancer. It was a powerful moment, the whole family, around this hospital bed we'd installed for him at home, everyone just happened to have shut up and look at him when he said this, maybe it was sub conscious perception of some unseen movement of his.

Hari Om...


Tears and to an extent relief that he was finally at peace after weeks of suffering.

He was a very successful businessman who turned scholar in his last decade or two, voraciously absorbing any text on religion and philosophy he could get his hands on in the languages he knew: Hindi, English and Urdu. Utterly beaten when he started losing his eyesight a few years before the end because of an age related macular-degeneration known as Wet Amd. Why didn't he care to fight for life? Because he said, he won't be able to read anymore, so what was the point.

A month or so before he passed

Steve Job's sister released his last words to be "Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow!"

Which is what got me reliving my grandfathers last days, which were 2 years ago. Made me think, these powerful parting words, one of a man the world calls great, and one of a man I know to have been great.

There really might be something beyond that veil. The one unknown, that scares me when I sit and think about it, death.

's good to know.