Saturday, September 25, 2010

Remembering Buffy

This I like. Every once in a while, you come across something that triggers an instant flashback.

Introducing the Emergency Bra

So this is a new product on the market, a bra that doubles up as two filtered masks. That opens up a whole world of imagination for us closet perverts. They can really rake in the money selling an exclusive line thats been pre-worn by hot celebs, specially the bustier ones, to men and lesbians!

Question time - After its been gently supporting whose ta-tas would you like there to be an emergency so you can be sniggering under the E bra? (Is that sentence structured okay? Grammar nazis?)

Well, first, I thought my girlfriend. Then I thought what sort of loser fantasizes about the woman he anyway can see naked? (blame trashy, stereotype promoting american comedies for that line of thought)

Then, magic happened. Sarah Michelle Gellar. The first name that popped into my mind. And it hasn't for a while now, mostly because she's been of the radar and one's usually to busy to reminisce. And its not like she has the most impressive rack, but, shes Buffy.

Oh the 7 years spent, religiously watching Buffy. Ive seen every episode. I have the DVD box sets. If nothing else works, my gravestone will read "died at 60 waiting for SMG to comeback for one last season of Buffy"

Then I spent a few hours recalling some favorite scenes, both on and off the screen. For example, when 2 friends turned up unannounced on a "Buffy night" while I was deeply engrossed in tv viewing ecstasy, I actually threw them out of the house. ITS-BUFFY-NIGHT-YOU-FUCKING-RETARDS. Needless to say, I wasn't one of the popular school kids.

Who else, which other pretty lady from the decade before this one did I think of? Well, Liv Tyler for one. I once told an acquaintance with whom I was friendly, and who (apparently) came out of the closet while studying at Browns, that I thought she was one of the most gorgeous women ever. And imagine that coming from Steven Tylers seed! Are we sure Mrs Tyler wasn't humoring the milkman?

I miss the good old days sometimes. The ones before sex was a tangible, known item. Our imaginations were definitely in much better shape then. They definitely got exercised a lot more.

Anyway, I plan to spend my free time over the next 2 weeks re-watching the much loved Whedon series. My girlfriends going out of town and left alone, I'm a total geek :)

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