Thursday, September 9, 2010

Still sick and bored and waiting for Civ 5

So, as of now, I think I know why I started blogging. These are my shouting grounds. Sometimes you just want to say something. And you need to get it off your chest in an open/public space, so that subconsciously know that you told someone.

Its like standing at the Grand Canyons and shouting it out loud. Someone probably heard it and someone might have something to say. You don't need to go out and invite people to listen to what you want to say, you just want to say it in a public space and let the occasional stranger who stumbles across judge you. Heh, Ive done enough judging of my own!

I might never have started this had Civilization 5, the next installment from the mother of all gaming franchises, had been released, say a month early. Blimey! The number of hours spent on every single edition of that game are obscene. OBSCENE I tell you!

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